Thursday, February 9, 2017

Montreal Gazette story on Muslim Canadian woman who was denied entry to the United States quotes Matthew Borowski on the border search exception

Matthew Borowski, Buffalo immigration lawyer, was quoted by the Montreal Gazette in an article about a Muslim Canadian woman who was denied entry to the United States after being detained for four hours and questioned about her political and religious views. Attorney Borowski discussed the border search exception to the Fourth Amendment of the Untied States Constitution, which gives border agents wide latitude to search people and goods moving across the international border.

From the article:

Matthew Borowski, a Buffalo, N.Y.-based immigration lawyer, said border-crossing agents benefit from the border search exception, which allows extensive questioning, searches and seizures without a warrant or probable cause.

In more recent years, he said, it’s extended to include the search of electronic devices, including cellphones and laptops.

“It’s been quite a contentious issue, and unfortunately the law hasn’t really settled on the topic yet,” Borowski said of device searches at border crossings. 

You can read the full article here:
Border-crossing rights: Agents can question, search and seize, immigration lawyers say


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