Sunday, January 29, 2017

Trump's Dangerous Executive Orders on Immigration Will Only Make America Less Safe

Please read this interesting article by Walter Ewing discussing Trump's dangerous and misguided executive order that eviscerates the enforcement priority system as we know it.

The executive order "effectively makes all unauthorized immigrants in the United States an 'enforcement priority,' regardless of whether they entered the country without inspection or overstayed a visa, and irrespective of whether or not they have a criminal record."

The ignorance of this decision is that enforcement resources are a finite resource, and if every immigration violation is considered a priority, how are we to determine which cases should receive the limited government resources to prosecute?

The article is available here:

Understanding the Dangerous Implication's of President Trump's Executive Order

I also recently was interviewed by Time Warner Cable News on this very issue of enforcement priorities. You can view the news story and the video here:

Immigration Issues Hit Buffalo as Debate Stirs Nationwide

Of course, this was before Trump's ban on Muslims took effect. Over the weekend there has been nothing but turmoil in airports throughout the United States as lawful immigrants and non-immigrants, some of whom have lived in the United States for years with green cards and have families and businesses in this country, were turned back simply because their country of origin was on Trump's list of Muslim nations from which he chose to ban immigrants.

We will continue to monitor the situation with Trump's executive orders so as to effectively defend our clients from these unconstitutional, racist, and bigoted actions.


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